The Criminal Defense Law Center of
West Michigan

The Consequences Of A Criminal Conviction

Criminal conviction consequences are not over at sentencing. There is certainly a sense of relief when a defendant is sentenced, but the total impact of their criminal conviction consequences can be just starting. There can be issues with immigration, career consequences and a negative impact on your firearm rights. This blog will deal with some of these consequences that start after sentencing.

Career Consequences

If you have a felony conviction on your record, good luck getting a job in law enforcement, as a firefighter, a nurse, a doctor, a lawyer, a teacher and any career that might deal with you having contact with money. A misdemeanor conviction that deals with dishonesty, such as retail fraud, embezzlement, and larceny can keep a person from working at a bank, for an insurance company, and in accounting. A misdemeanor drug conviction can keep you from getting a job working as a delivery driver.

SADO gives us great information about other career consequences.

General Considerations Two-thirds of employers will not hire a former offender Most employers are now doing criminal background checks: 80% of large corporations perform background checks on job applicants; 69% of small businesses do. People with criminal records are barred by law from many occupations  Employment is closely linked to recidivism: A 10% decrease in wages is associated with a 10-20% increase in criminal activity and likelihood of incarceration.  Occupational restrictions can be difficult to determine, because they are scattered throughout federal and state codes. i. If you are uncertain whether an occupational restriction exists in your client’s field, talk to the relevant governmental agency regulating that occupation (see, a relevant union, or an attorney who represents people in that industry. Additional information is also available at: ii. Warning: While this outline contains some of the major statutory barriers based on records, it is by no means all-inclusive.

Firearm Possession Consequences

A felony conviction can prevent a person from possessing a firearm for up to five years.  (See MCL 750.224f) If you are a hunter, a person in Michigan can get a hunting license with a criminal conviction.  

Possible Deportation

Some felony convictions make deportation of non-citizens a possibility. If you are convicted of drunk driving and are not a citizen, you could be deported.  As this area of law is constantly changing and is very complex, you should contact an immigration lawyer who specializes in immigration law if you are not a citizen and are charged with a crime. 

Driver’s License Revocation

If you are convicted of DUI, your diver’s license will be suspended. If you have multiple DUI convictions, your license will be revoked. If you are convicted of possession of drugs such as Marijuana and Cocaine, you can have your driver’s license suspended.

Sex Offender Registry

A conviction for criminal sexual misconduct will require the convicted person to register as a Sex Offender.   A person who is put on this list will have to meet requirements with the State of Michigan in regards to where they are residing. Furthermore, registrants are not allowed within 1,000 feet of a school.

Housing Issues

A lot of criminal convictions will lead to housing ineligibility. While many people believe a landlord is not legally able to deny a person housing based on their criminal record alone, the reality is many do. Landlords can also evict someone from the housing even if the crime the person has been convicted of is a minor crime.

The Right to Vote

Voting restrictions vary by state. The only sure fire thing about voting restrictions is that the restrictions only apply to felony charges. In Michigan, anyone convicted of a felony is is not allowed to vote in custody. 

Right To Be A Juror

Anyone who is a convicted felony in Michigan will not be allowed to serve as a juror. This applies across the board. A convicted felony is not able to serve on misdemeanor or felony cases. They are not able to serve as a juror in local, state and federal courts. 

If you have any questions regarding the consequences of a criminal conviction, call Shawn today at 616-438-6719. the call is completely free and Shawn will be happy to take the time needed to help you out!


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