The Criminal Defense Law Center of
West Michigan

7 Types of Juvenile Crimes That You Cannot Escape

Juvenile crimes are the ones committed by individuals below the age of 21. However, most of these crimes are punishable offenses.

OJJDP (Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention) prevents and responds to youth delinquency and victimization. It helps develop effective and equitable juvenile justice systems that create safer communities and empower youth.

OJJDP reported that there were 128,000 detention admissions for juvenile crimes in 2020.

However, the count decreased significantly from 2005.

At the end of the day, as a responsible citizen, it is imperative that we create a responsible generation. Understanding the law and realizing the description of crime helps every growing citizen make society a better place.

Moreover, help is always available at Demas Law Group`s website and other legal organizations. If you or someone you care about is clean, you must always seek legal support when wrongfully accused of juvenile crimes.

Therefore, in this article, we will discuss the different types of juvenile crimes that you cannot escape.

Juvenile Crimes You Cannot Escape

Given below are some of the major juvenile crimes that can devastate your lives and future—

1. Drug Possession

Substance abuse is sadly a common scenario across the globe. Even more disturbing, the US counts 2.08 million drug users between 12 to 17  from 2016 to 2020.

This is an alarming situation, and it is important for young individuals to understand the gravity of such a crime.

Possessing drugs or other addictive substances is an inescapable crime in most countries.

Moreover, young people often get instrumented by gangsters and dealers. This can also make it impossible for you to escape an accusation of illegal drug possession.

It is also important for parents to keep a check on the kind of people their children are meeting via social media. It can unknowingly influence young minds and compel them to this dreadful path.

2. Illegal Possession Of Weapons

Another sad and growing reality of the modern world is the increase in gun violence in schools and educational institutes.

Illegal possession of weapons is often treated as an adult charge, and the punishments can destroy a minor’s life.

Moreover, according to certain state laws, it is offensive to hand over, sell, lend, or deliver any kind of weapons to a minor. This includes all types of weapons, from sharp objects to guns and pistols.

3. DUI Charges

Underage driving under influence can get you multiple charges. These charges can include the following:

  • Underage drinking.
  • Driving Under Influence.
  • Hit and run.
  • Destruction of public/private property.

Therefore, this is one of the riskiest offenses for a minor. You can face hefty fines, detention or even adult charges.

According to some state regulations, minors cannot drive an automobile with a BAC reading of 0.02% or more.

Letting go of DUI charges can cause a loss of life in the future. Therefore, these charges are hardly left unturned.

4. Sexual Offenses

Juvenile sex offenders can face serious consequences that law enforcement organizations or the court hardly overlook. Minors can also face adult charges for such crimes.

In these cases, the juvenile can face imprisonment for 10 years or even for a lifetime. Moreover, the fines for such cases easily go above $25,000.

Here are two major data that portray the rates of sexual offenses by juveniles in the USA:

  • 22% of rape crimes were committed by persons aged 10 to 19 between 2019 to 20202.
  • Every eighth sexual offender out of the total number is under 12 years old.

These crimes are extremely serious. They call for immediate action and surveillance of the family, school, friends and other associations of the juvenile.

5. Assault

Hot-headedness is often referred to as the nature of teenagers. However, this reference can cost a minor more than we can imagine.

The inability to control one’s anger, frustration or negative emotions to the extent that it breaks into a physical fight can even cause loss of life.

Therefore, assault charges against minors are often treated extremely seriously. It immediately involves parents and educational institutions for corrective measures.

Moreover, there have been several cases around the country where juveniles have assaulted people as part of other crimes.

In this case, the charges only get stronger, making it impossible for a minor to escape the legal situation.

6. Theft

Shoplifting charges are considered minor crimes for a juvenile. However, major theft charges can lead to imprisonment and hefty fines.

For shoplifting cases, the offender must pay back the value of the stolen items. But in case of major theft, the police will immediately involve the minor’s parents or guardians and conduct a thorough investigation.

These charges are difficult to escape without paying a heavy cost and criminal record.

7. Vandalism

Vandalism, a crime of intentionally damaging someone else’s property, can lead to probation or diversion programs for minors.

In severe cases, detention in a juvenile detention facility may be necessary. Arizona state law defines criminal damages as either a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the amount of damage.

The minor and their parents are often responsible for paying for the damages. If someone willfully and wantonly damages, injures, or destroys real property, they are guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.

Children Under 12

For children under the age of 12, the law doesn’t mandate prosecution. Therefore, in case of minor crimes like vandalism and theft, the police often talk to the parents, guardians, or caregivers.

However, according to their discretion, the police can send these children to the youth care office. This place provides counseling to get to the bottom of the crime and help them recover from the criminal mentality.

However, if the crime committed by a minor below 12 years of age is major, the court often intervenes.

In these cases, the court appoints supervisors for the family and keeps them under constant surveillance.

Save The Future!

Juvenile crimes are a cry for help. Therefore, if you find children committing crimes in your home or around your locality, you must report it to the authorized body.

Taking the right steps can help minors realize their mistakes and correct themselves in the future.

However, there are millions of juvenile crimes that go unnoticed without being reported all around the world. It is important to note that this attitude toward unreported juvenile crimes only increases the chance of these individuals growing up with a criminal mindset.

These children have to pay a hefty price when they grow up.

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