The Criminal Defense Law Center of
West Michigan

7 Effective Strategies to Fight DUI Criminal Charges and Protect Your Future

Driving Under the Influence, or DUI, is a serious offense that carries significant legal consequences, which potentially impacts the freedom, future, and finances.

Major crimes can carry harsh punishment in every state, and it includes:

  • Spend jail time.
  • Revocation of your license.
  • Counseling classes.
  • Substantial fines.
  • Increased insurance rates.
  • Loss of professional license.
  • Loss of employment.
  • Mandatory ignition.
  • Damaged reputation.

If you have been charged with DUI, contacting an experienced attorney as soon as possible is extremely significant. Therefore, it is imperative to advance this legal predicament with well-defined strategies and the guidance of an astute DUI defense attorney.

Do not take the risk of facing the charges alone. Only a skilled lawyer can present your options, explore the possibility of DUI defense strategies, and discuss if the trial is appropriate.

This article will assist you in walking through effective strategies to fight DUI criminal charges and protect your future.

List Of Strategies To Fight DUI Defense Criminal Charges 

Facing a DUI charge can be a frightening and stressful experience. Still, with the help of a professional or experienced criminal lawyer, you can dismiss the charges that are against you.

Thus, an effective DUI defense strategy can assist you in fighting the charges and save you from further repercussions. Below-mentioned are some important strategies your attorney can use to help you secure the best possible outcomes.

1. Refuting Administration Test 

If you are under the criminal charge of DUI, then you can forward the attorney or judge your blood, breathalyzer, or urine test reports. These provide the scientific test results and can be used to convict an alleged offender.

To safeguard you from this situation, hire a DUI defense lawyer. They will investigate the accuracy of the test results and determine if the results are administered correctly.

Similarly, the lawyer will try to charge the admissibility of the test results and its accuracy.

2. Refuting Field Sobriety Test 

There are multiple field sobriety tests that an officer might ask you to perform to determine the level of impairment. These include touching your finger to your nose, walking straight, and reciting the alphabet backward.

Thus, there are only three standard tests that are applicable if you are facing a charge under a DUI case, and they are:

  • One-leg stand (OLS).
  • Horizontal gaze nystagmus.
  • Walk and turn.

Remember that you legally do not need to take these tests. Therefore, you can still be arrested under the DUI if an officer believes in evidence of impairment.

3. Conditions That Affect Sobriety Test Results 

Field Sobriety Tests such as one-leg stand and walk-and-turn are often used to anticipate if someone is impaired.

Thus, there are people who have medical conditions that might mimic being impaired by alcohol. Such as:

  • Allergies causing red eyes.
  • Being tired.
  • Drop in blood sugar.
  • Neurological condition.
  • Hypoglycemia in diabetes.

In addition to that, the field sobriety test might not be administered correctly. There is even a chance that the driver can be tricked.

Therefore, these tests could be more accurate and reliable, and several attributes can affect the results.

4. Negotiate The Plea Bargain 

If you see strong evidence against you, your lawyer might suggest negotiating a plea bargain. This includes pleading guilty to a lesser charge in exchange for a light sentence.

Similarly, the attorney can present mitigating factors and use them to argue for a reduced sentence. Hence, the mitigating factor will help your attorney fight your case better and argue for lighter sentences.

Thus, while it might not be the outcome you hope for, a plea bargain can assist you in safeguarding the most severe consequences of a DUI conviction.

5. Hire Experienced DUI Lawyer 

DUI convictions are long-lasting and serious consequences that might frighten you for the rest of your life.

Therefore, a skilled attorney will know the best DUI defense strategies to help your significant case and safeguard your future.

If you are facing charges of DUI, you might feel overwhelmed and unsure of what to do next. Fibich, Leebron, Copeland & Briggs’ Car Accident Lawyer can assist you in building a robust defense to protect your rights and secure your future.

You can also contact us for a free consultation and discuss your possible DUI defense approaches.

6. Improper Police Stop 

In order to detain yourself, you can apply law enforcement, which includes reasonable suspicion regulations.

You need to see the individual doing wrong physically. If there is no suspect reason, your lawyer can stop the consent and remove the changes.

On the other hand, if the officer has a hunch that someone is driving drunk, then this is not a valid reason.

However, the lawyer will work to receive the DUI dismissal. This is because the officer might not have had reasonable cause for the police to stop. Now, if you are pulled over, then it is important that you remain respectful to the officer and act responsibly.

7. Stop Pleading Too Fast 

Another strategy that you can adopt is not starting to plead too fast. Many of you might make this error because you want to close your case as soon as possible.

Therefore, pleading too fast can be a major mistake in your criminal sense. Fighting a case takes more than skills and knowledge from law school and books.

When you plead too quickly, you can accept the first deal on the table. However, there is room for improvement in the prosecutor’s first offer.

Generally, your attorney can help you negotiate the best deal. At the same time, each case is different from one another, where we can still go beyond the other.

Contact A DUI Defense Lawyer Right Away 

Thus, many drink-and-drive cases can be defeated by exploring weaknesses in the evidence and mistakes made by law enforcement.

If you see the police officer cannot indicate probable cause to pull you over and investigate you for DUI, then it is possible to have a charge dismissed on the grounds.

Luckily, there are different techniques to fight DUI charges effectively. Some people in your position make a serious mistake by giving up and hoping to avoid conviction. It is usually based on the facts collected from evidence.

There is also the possibility to reduce the penalties for a drunk driving conviction. Hence, it is also possible to beat criminal charges outright.

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